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Cash, Food, and Medical Assistance

For Public Assistance Questions:

Call 1-800-935-0242, Option 5

Income Maintenance Workers at ACJFS determine

eligibility for several public assistance programs:

  • Cash Assistance (OWF)

  • SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)

  • Medicaid, including Nursing Home and Waiver programs

  • Medicare Premium Assistance Programs

  • Healthchek and Pregnancy-Related Services


In addition to determining eligibility for public assistance programs, the Income Maintenance department also assists the community with the following services:

  • Investigation of reported public assistance fraud

  • Access to publicly and privately-funded Prescription Assistance programs

  • Transportation assistance to and from medical appointments


Applicants and recipients of public assistance programs have the following responsibilities:

  • Completing scheduled interviews

  • Reporting certain household changes, such as changes in income and residence

  • Providing the income, resource/asset, housing, and other verifications needed to make a determination of benefit eligibility based on State and Federal regulations

Cash, Food, and Medicine
Call Center

Call Center, Option 5

If you have applied for or are currently receiving public assistance, our Customer Service Specialists are trained to assist you in the following areas:

  • Case status and general case information

  • Ongoing benefit information

  • Date of benefit approval and issuance

  • Medicaid billing number and begin date of coverage

  • Scheduling and rescheduling appointments

  • Appointment date/time information

  • Referrals to other agencies for additional assistance

  • Contact information for the Cash Assistance EPPICard, Food Assistance EBT Card, and Medicaid HMO providers



In addition, the following changes can be reported to the agency through the Call Center: 

  • Addition of a household member or newborn

  • Address/residence changes

  • Case transfer to another county

  • Case termination

  • Child care expense increase or decrease

  • Child Support changes

  • Income and employment changes

  • Medical expense changes

  • Phone number changes

  • Rent, mortgage, property tax, homeowners' insurance, and utility responsibility changes

  • Removal of a household member

  • Resource/asset changes


OWF Cash Assistance

OWF Cash Assistance

What is OWF?

  • Ohio Works First (OWF) provides cash benefits to needy families

  • OWF is a time-limited program - adults are only eligible for 36 months of OWF in their lifetimes

  • Benefits are issued via Direct Deposit or on an EPPICard, which works like a debit card


The following individuals are potentially eligible for OWF if they meet the initial eligibility test and the income, residence, citizenship, and work requirements of the program:

  • Pregnant women entering or in the third trimester of pregnancy

  • Single or married adults with minor dependent children in the home

  • Unmarried minor parents and pregnant minors

  • Minor children who live with someone other than a parent


What are the program eligibility requirements?

  • Completion of an application and interview with a caseworker

  • Assessment with an Employment Service Counselor (ESC)

  • Signing a Self-Sufficiency Contract with the ESC

  • Weekly participation in the JOBS Program as coordinated by the ESC

What is the initial eligibility test and payment standard for my household size?

  • The OWF initial eligibility test is a monthly income standard; those whose incomes fall under the standard are potentially eligible to receive OWF

  • Payment standards and initial eligibility test standards on the following chart are listed monthly

  • Please click on the link for OWF eligibility standards:


What happens if I fail to cooperate with the JOBS Program?

  • The adult who failed to comply with the JOBS Program will be removed from SNAP benefits

  • The entire assistance group will be sanctioned from receiving OWF for a minimum time period or until they comply with the JOBS Program

  • The length of the sanction depends on the number of previous sanctions imposed on the adult who failed to comply with the JOBS Program:

  • For third occurrence and all subsequent sanctions, the adult who failed to comply with the JOBS Program will also be removed from Medicaid until compliance with the sanction has been achieved



How do I apply for OWF?


What are some other information sites about the OWF Program?

EPPICard Changes (Cash / RCA)

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What is SNAP?

  • SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) helps low-income adults and families stretch their monthly food budgets and buy healthy food

  • SNAP is not designed to feed an adult or family for an entire month.  It is designed to supplement the money adults and families already spend on food

  • Benefits are issued electronically each month through an Ohio Direction Card, which is used like a debit card


What can I buy with the Ohio Direction Card?

  • Most food products


What can I not buy with the Ohio Direction Card?

  • Prepared food from restaurants and grocery stores

  • Non-food items such as soap, paper products, and cleaning supplies

  • Alcohol

  • Tobacco

  • Vitamins and medicines

  • Pet food


Who is eligible for SNAP?

  • Adults, families, and children are potentially eligible for SNAP if the income, residence, and citizenship requirements are met

  • To check your potential eligibility for SNAP, visit the ODJFS Benefits website at 


What are the income and eligibility guidelines?

  • Eligibility is based on gross monthly income

  • Generally, adults and families with gross monthly incomes under 130% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) are eligible to receive some sort of SNAP

  • Monthly benefits are determined by comparing an adult or family's gross monthly income to their child care expenses, child support payments, and housing/utility costs

  • In certain instances, a medical expense deduction from gross monthly income can be applied to assistance groups with elderly and/or disabled individuals

  • Please click on the link for OWF eligibility standards:

Do I have to participate in a Work Experience Program to receive SNAP?

  • Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDS) who do not meet a program exemption must either be employed 20 hours per week or participate in a Work Experience Program through ACJFS to receive SNAP

  • What you need to know if you're an ABAWD customer.  Click Here​​


How do I apply for SNAP?


For more information on the SNAP program, please visit the following sites: 














ConnectEBT Mobile App

The ConnectEBT mobile app is now the official mobile app of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. Ohio is rolling out the ConnectEBT mobile app for SNAP  benefit cards. All other apps are not created or supported by Ohio’s contracted EBT vendor. You can now use the secure ConnectEBT app which is associated and connected directly with your official account! To download the app, search your smart phone’s app store for ConnectEBT. Once logged into the app you can view your balance and purchase history, change your pin, activate your card, and report your card lost, stolen or damaged.


New Card Lock Feature

To assist Ohioans in securing their SNAP benefits, a new card lock feature became available on July 1, 2023 in the ConnectEBT mobile app. The card lock feature allows the cardholder to lock their card when not in use. Cardholder should consider setting their card to a locked status until they are actively making a purchase with the EBT card.   Once the purchase is successful the cardholder can then lock their card again using the ConnectEBT mobile app.

Locking Your EBT Card

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Unlocking Your EBT Card

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Civil Rights / Non-Discrimination Policy

Ashtabula County
Food Pantries

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What is Medicaid?

  • A government insurance program for persons with limited income and assets or resources


What are the eligibility guidelines?

  • The guidelines are different for each Medicaid program the State of Ohio offers

  • All applicants and recipients must verify their income

  • Some individuals must also verify their resources (assets such as a car, bank accounts, property, etc.) as an eligibility requirement


What are the different Medicaid programs the State of Ohio offers?

Click on the links for more information on each program:


What medical services does Medicaid cover?

  • Generally, each program (with the exception of the MPAP and BCCP programs) must cover the same services for all individuals

  • For a list of covered services, click here to be directed to the Ohio Department of Medicaid's website


Next Generation MyCare


The Ohio Department of Medicaid announced four managed care organizations to serve as the Next Generation MyCare plans!   

On November 1, 2024, the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) announced four managed care organizations to serve as the Next Generation MyCare plans. MyCare Ohio is a managed care program designed for Ohioans who receive both Medicaid and Medicare benefits. MyCare Ohio combines Medicaid and Medicare benefits into one program, coordinated by a managed care plan. This approach to coordinating care keeps the member at the center of focus.

For more than a year, ODM has met with members, providers, and other stakeholders across the state to understand their experiences with the MyCare Ohio program. This feedback will inform ODM and the newly selected plans as they work together to implement a better person-centered experience for Ohioans across the state. ODM’s announcement and additional information can be found in the press release.

ODM awarded four managed care organizations as ODM’s Next Generation MyCare plans. The selected plans include a continued partnership of some of the MyCare Ohio plans who have served MyCare Ohio members in the current demonstration as well as the addition of new plans that have served in the Next Generation managed care program to allow members to have more choices to meet their healthcare needs. The four Next Generation MyCare plans are:



Click Here for More Information


MAGI Medicaid

MAGI Medicaid for Adults, Children, & Families

What does MAGI mean? 

  • MAGI stands for Modified Adjusted Gross Income

  • MAGI-based budgeting is used to calculate a person's household size and income, using federal income tax rules and a tax filer's family size to determine eligibility for Medicaid

  • The MAGI Medicaid program started January 1, 2014, as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)


Who is potentially eligible for MAGI Medicaid?

  • Single,  childless adults

  • Married, childless couples

  • Families with children ages 19 and under

  • Children up to age 19


What are the income guidelines?

It depends.  There are different categories of MAGI Medicaid.  All guidelines are based on gross (before taxes) income:

  • Parents and Caretaker Relatives (grandparents raising grandchildren, aunts raising nieces/nephews, etc.):  up to 90% of the federal poverty level for their household size

  • Expansion Adults (all adults, including Parents and Caretaker Relatives who are not eligible at the step above): up to 133% of the federal poverty level for their household size

  • Children with Insurance:  up to 156% of the federal poverty level for their household size

  • Pregnant Women:  up to 200% of the federal poverty level for their household size

  • Children without Insurance:  up to 206% of the federal poverty level for their household size


Review the latest standards for MAGI Medicaid eligibility at:

How do I apply for MAGI Medicaid?

  • The best way to apply is online at

  • Click (link for ‘How to Apply’ page on website)  for a list of other ways to apply for Medicaid


Where can I go for more information?

  • Ohio Department of Medicaid's Frequently Asked Questions page

  • Call the Medicaid Consumer Hotline at 1-800-324-8680

  • If you currently have an open MAGI Medicaid case in Ashtabula County and have a specific question regarding your individual case, call the ACJFS Call Center at 1-800-935-0242, option 5.



ABD Medicaid

Who is potentially eligible for ABD Medicaid?

  • Adults aged 65 and older, or

  • Individuals who are legally blind or disabled per the Social Security Administration (SSA) --these people usually receive SSI or RSDI income from the SSA


What are some other eligibility guidelines?

  • All recipients must be Ohio residents

  • Individuals cannot own over $2,000 worth of countable resources.  Resources are assets such as vehicles, life insurance policies, property, and bank accounts.  Certain resources are exempt, such as one vehicle and someone's residence; others count toward the $2,000 resource limit.  For a married couple, the resource limit is $3,000

  • All household income must be verified

  • SSI income does not count in the ABD Medicaid budget but must be verified

  • The income limit for a single individual is $794 and the income limit for a couple is $1,191.


 How do I apply for ABD Medicaid?

  • The easiest way is online at

  • For a list of other ways to apply for ABD Medicaid, click (link for ‘How to Apply’ page on website)


Where can I go if I have additional questions on ABD Medicaid?


ABD Medicaid

MBIWD Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities

What is MBIWD?

  • Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities, or MBIWD, is an Ohio Medicaid program that provides health care coverage to working Ohioans with disabilities.


Who is eligible for MBIWD?

The following criteria must be met for the individual applying:

  • U.S. Citizen or qualified alien

  • Ohio resident

  • ages 16-64 years old

  • Be disabled as per the Social Security Administration or as determined by Ohio Medicaid or eligible under the MBIWD medically improved category

  • Be employed in paid work (includes part-time and full-time work)


What are the financial and non-financial eligibility requirements?

  • Own resources (assets such as a vehicle, bank accounts, and property) valuing less than $12,175

  • Annual income of the individual must be less than or equal to 250% of the Federal Poverty Level (in 2018, $30,360 per year or $2,530 per month)


 Does MBIWD have a monthly premium?

  • You may have a monthly premium if your annual gross income exceeds 150% of the Federal Poverty Level (in 2018, $18,216 per year or $1518 per month)

  • Premiums are based on income, family size, and certain deductions such as health insurance premiums

  • If subject to a premium, you will receive a monthly statement requesting payment of the premium

  • Failure to pay the premium for two consecutive months results in termination of MBIWD; eligibility can only be regained by paying all back premiums due as well as by meeting all other eligibility requirements of the program


For further information, please visit the following links: 


MPAP Medicare Premium Assistance Programs

What is the MPAP?

  • MPAP stands for Medicare Premium Assistance Programs

  • These programs help pay Medicare-related costs such as monthly premiums

  • There are three different MPAP's in the State of Ohio

  • MPAP's are commonly referred to as "State Buy-In"


Who is eligible for MPAP?

  • Medicare recipients of all ages

  • Certain income and resource (assets such as bank accounts, vehicles, or property) requirements must be met

  • All MPAP recipients must be Ohio residents


What are the different types of MPAP's, and what are the income guidelines for each program?

  • The three different MPAP's are QMB, SLMB, and QI-1 

  • For all programs, income limits are based on gross monthly income (i.e., income amount before monthly Medicare premium is paid) of the Medicare recipient and spouse (if living in the home).  The income of a child or children under age 18 in the home is exempt


QMB (Qualified Medicare Beneficiary)
  • QMB covers Medicare Part A & B premiums as well as Medicare deductibles, co-insurance, and co-payments

SLMB (Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary)
  • SLMB pays a Medicare recipient's Part B premium only

QI-1 (Qualifying Individual)
  • QI-1 pays the Medicare Part B premium only

  • If you qualify for Medicaid, you cannot receive QI-1

What are the resource limits for each program? 

The resource limits for all MPAP's are the same:

  • A single individual cannot own more than $7,970 of countable resources

  • A married couple cannot own more than $11,960 of countable resources

  • The home an individual/couple resides in, one vehicle used for transportation, one burial plot per person, and irrevocable burial contracts are exempt resources

  • Examples of countable resources are bank accounts, cash values of life insurance policies, values of annuities, values of revocable burial contracts, value of property other than the principal residence, value of vehicles other than one used for transportation


How do I apply?


For more information, please refer to the following: 


Nursing Home and LTC

Nursing Home and Long-Term Care (LTC)

Who is eligible for Nursing Home and LTC services through Medicaid? 

  • Individuals whose disabilities or medically unstable conditions cannot be cared for at home or in an assisted living setting.  This is called a "Level of Care"

  • Individuals with developmental disabilities can receive services through an Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities (ICF-IDD)

  • Individuals must meet the income, resource (asset), disability, and citizenship requirements of Medicaid to be eligible


What are the resource (asset) requirements?

  • For a single individual, the resource limit is $2,000

  • For a married couple, a "resource assessment" is completed.  This determines how much of a couple's resources are protected for the spouse not applying for Nursing Home or LTC services

  • For all applicants, a five-year review of resources (starting with the date nursing home or LTC services begin) is completed.  Case workers determine if any "improper transfer of resources" have occurred.  If they have, the individual may still be eligible for Medicaid but would be subject to a penalty period.  During the penalty period, Medicaid would not pay for the individual's Nursing Home or LTC services


What are the income regulations?

  • All income of the person applying, and their spouse must be verified

  • A "Monthly Income Allowance" (MIA) is determined.  This is the income the applicant's spouse, and their dependents can keep using for self-support

  • A "Personal Needs Allowance" (PNA) of $50 is given to the spouse receiving Nursing Home or LTC services

  • All other income goes directly to the Nursing Home or LTC Facility.  This amount is called "patient liability"


How do I apply for this program?


For more information, please visit the following websites: 

Waiver Program

Waiver Programs

What is the Medicaid Waiver Program?

  • In-home health care program for Medicaid-eligible individuals

  • Waivers make it possible for the elderly and those with disabilities and chronic conditions to remain active participants in their communities and to have more control of their lives


Who is potentially eligible for the Waiver Program?

  • Individuals receiving or eligible for Medicaid

  • Individuals must have a disability or chronic condition of some sort to receive Waiver services

  • Individuals must be residents of Ohio


What services are covered by the Waiver Program?

There are several different types of Waiver Programs.  However, in general, most of them provide services such as:
  • Adult day health care

  • Home-delivered meals

  • Home care attendant

  • Emergency response system

  • Personal care aide

  • Convenience of having services provided at home


What are the different types of Waiver Programs?

  • Assisted Living Waiver

  • Choices Waiver

  • Individual Options (MRDD)

  • Level One Waiver (MRDD)

  • Ohio Home Care Waiver (OHCW)

  • PASSPORT Waiver

  • Transitions Carve Out Waiver (T2)


Are there income and resource (asset) standards for the Waiver Program?

  • Yes.  However, the maximum income and resource standards vary depending on the type of Waiver Program a person applies for. 

  • If an individual or couple's income exceeds the income standards, they may be subject to a "patient liability".  A patient liability is the amount an individual or couple must pay each month to receive Waiver services


How do I apply for the Waiver Program?


Where can I go for more information? 


Healthchek and Pregnancy-Related Services


What is Healthchek?

  • An Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) Program for children and teens under 21

  • The goal of Healthchek is to discover and treat health problems early


What services does a Healthchek exam cover?

  • Physical check-ups

  • Comprehensive health and developmental history

  • Health education, counseling, and risk factor interventions

  • Hearing, vision, and dental checks

  • Nutritional screenings

  • Mental health screenings

  • Developmental screenings

  • Shots (if needed)

  • Appropriate lab tests

  • Treatment for all medically necessary ailments


When are Healthchek screenings scheduled?

  • 8 Healthchek exams by age 1

  • Additional Healthchek exams at 15, 18, 24, and 30 months

  • Subsequent Healthchek screenings yearly until age 21


Who is eligible for Healthchek?

  • All children and teens under 21 who receive Medicaid



Pregnancy-Related Services

What is the Pregnancy-Related Services (PRS) Program?

  • Medical services provided in addition to regular prenatal care

  • The goal of PRS is to promote a healthy pregnancy


What services does the program cover?

  • Access to medical appointments

  • Information about Healthchek services available for your child once born

  • Referral to Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

  • Individual counseling and education

  • Assistance making and getting to/from medical appointments

  • Information on Lamaze, parenting, and child care classes

  • Information about healthy eating habits

  • Prenatal risk assessment and prenatal care


Who is eligible for Pregnancy-Related Services?

  • All pregnant women receiving Medicaid


For more information about the Healthchek and Pregnancy-Related Services Programs, please visit the following links:


Breast and Cervical Cancer Project (BCCP)

What is BCCP?

  • A program administered through the State of Ohio --this program is NOT administered through ACJFS or any other County Department of Job & Family Services

  • The program generally covers breast and cervical cancer screening, diagnostic testing, and case management services free of charge to eligible Ohio women


Where can I apply for BCCP?




Prevention, Retention, and Contingency

Ohio's Prevention, Retention, and Contingency program provides work supports and other services to help low-income parents overcome immediate barriers to employment. It is funded through the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.  Those receiving assistance from other public assistance programs-including Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formally known as food stamps) - also may be eligible for PRC service.


PRC services vary between counties based on community needs.  Each county has a PRC plan stating the types of services available in that county and the eligibility criteria for them.  Applications are currently being taken for the following services:


  • Vehicle Repairs

  • Utilities (Past Due, Disconnects, Shut-off notices)

  • Stove/Refrigerator (Repair or Replace)

  • Washer/Dryer  (Repair or Replace)

  • Beds (Need based on emergent, crisis or natural disaster - Referral required from community agency - e.g., LCCS, Genesis House, Red Cross, Health Dept)

  • Employment-related expenses

  • GED incentive payments

  • School Fees

  • Delinquent Mortgage

  • Delinquent Property Taxes

  • Home Repairs

  • Pest Removal Services

  • Auto Insurance

  • Driver's Education Classes


Applications can be obtained by calling (800) 935-0242, ext. 5, stopping by the agency, or clicking on the following link (click here for Forms page). Applications can be submitted via mail, fax, email, or in the lobby drop box.

Fraud Hotline

Fraud Hotline


What is public assistance fraud?

  • Public assistance fraud is intentionally lying about income or circumstances to receive benefits, and/or the failure to reveal information which affects eligibility for benefits


What are the different types of public assistance fraud?

  • Child care provider fraud - for example, a provider billing the county for child care services that weren't provided

  • Child care assistance fraud

  • SNAP recipient fraud --for example, a person failing to report income or employment, or a person failing to report their spouse/significant other in the home

  • SNAP store fraud - for example, a storeowner knowingly accepting SNAP benefits in exchange for alcohol, tobacco, or other non-food items

  • Medicaid Provider fraud - for example, a doctor's office billing Medicaid for services that were not performed

  • Medicaid recipient fraud

  • OWF (Cash Assistance) recipient fraud


Who can report public assistance fraud?

  • ANYONE can report public assistance fraud anonymously to ACJFS


How can I report public assistance fraud?


How to Apply

How to Apply

Note:  You only need ONE application for multiple programs. 


  • For example, if you are applying for Cash and Medical Assistance, only complete one application online or on paper. 


How do I apply for OWF Cash Assistance?


How do I apply for SNAP?

How do I apply for ABD Medicaid?

How do I apply for MAGI Medicaid?


How do I apply for MBIWD?


How do I apply for MPAP?


How do I apply for Nursing Home and Long-Term Care Assistance?


How do I apply for Waiver?


How do I apply for Child care?

Click on the following link to access the Child Care Application:  Child Care Application

  • Applications can also be picked up and submitted at the agency, 2924 Donahoe Dr. Ashtabula, OH 44004

Protecting Your Benefits

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To find out more about protecting your benefits, please click on the link below.


 Protect And Secure Your Information | Job and Family Services

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